Monday, March 31, 2008

Catch up yes, I'm dog meat once again. I'm so bad about updating this!!! In my defense, my internet connection continues to be terrible. I called AT&T and bugged them again today about DSL. I told them that if we didn't get it soon that they were going to lose us as customers to Brighthouse Cable. They didn't like that very much but I don't think that will really impact how quickly they get me high speed internet. Alright, so I'm going to try and do a quick review of the past couple months.


Hmmm....what happened...I had to go and pull up my pictures folder so I could see what was going on...that's sad. We had some really nice spring like weather the middle of the month and then it all decided to change and by Easter it was COLD!!!! As a matter of fact, we had snow flurries on Easter. It was CRAZY. Brad tiled the kids bathroom so they now have a nice new floor. It is beautiful. Jenn flew on the 22nd and she was here until we left to drive to VA on the morning of the 27th. We had fun, but it was a really short visit. We left early on the 27th and had a pretty uneventful trip. We had packed breakfast cookies, bananas, and OJ for breakfast. Then we had PB&J's, fruit, Capri Suns, and other "snacky" foods for lunch. We did have a Benadryl stop though. Benjamin was getting car sick and we had to get him something to help him. So everything was fine until we hit the exit by Busch Gardens...traffic then slowed to a crawl. It was pretty miserable for awhile. We got through it and made it to Mom and Dad's by about 10:20ish (I think).

We went to the beach on Friday and had so much fun. The kids played on the jungle gym and then went down to the water. It was so nice being back 'home'. Daddy and Momma know how to spoil my kids---Starbucks after the beach and ribs for dinner. The kids love Papa's ribs. I was listening to them talk while they were eating and it was really kinda neat. They were saying how Papa's ribs were so good that they should have ice cream for dinner and the ribs for dessert. One of them said, "Yeah, cause we've gotta save the best for last." I thought that was really cool of them. We hung around the house for a couple days and just chilled together.


April 1st is always a special day because it is Matthew's birthday. He turned 8 this year. I can't believe that he's 8. We had a little party for him on the 3rd. I got to see Granny, Grandma, my cousins Lillie and Ginger. Brad got into town that evening. His flight was delayed (of course). Friday morning we got up early and went over to Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Tim's where we had a wonderful pancake breakfast! It was wonderful getting to see them. We didn't get to stay too long because Mom and I had hair appointments. This was our first time to actually spend by ourselves together. It was really nice. I cherished that time with her. We had to leave the next day.

We headed down to NC to see Brad's brother and family. They had a new baby and we got to visit with them for a day...while there Gabe decided to fall off the stairs and gash the back of his head open. He was taken to the ER and got 3 staples put in. Fun. (I'll add now that Brad pulled the staples out 5 days later---much to my objections too.) We had a LONG drive back to Indiana on Sunday. We didn't leave until late and it made for quite a long day. The kids did relatively well. I can't complain too much.

So we got back in town and Brad had the next day off...that was nice. We took the older kids to school and then spent the next morning running around together with the boys. I should mention that we took the new car---1969 Ford Galaxie LTD. Surprisingly it fits all 7 of us. Brad had been working on my kitchen while I was gone. We've now got a new floor, counter tops, sink, and some new cabinets. I'll take some good pictures and post those later.

My birthday was on the 9th...I'm 27...The kids made me a birthday cake. I told Brad I didn't want anything since we had just poured so much into my kitchen. My girlfriend Dana called me on my birthday and wanted to know if I wanted my birthday present now or later. Me being me said, "Ummm... both." On the 27th Dana and her 3 kids flew in from Okinawa Japan to visit me! As much as I would like to believe that I am so special that she flew all this way to see me, that's not entirely true. She was coming back this way to visit family but stopped out here for a couple days. It was great. We hadn't seen each other since we were pregnant with our now 4 year olds! My how time flies.


Okay, so this month so far....not too much has happened. Benjamin and Justin continue to tickle me with the things they come up with. There's only a couple weeks left of school for the kids. They are excited and so am I. We are home schooling in the fall so these will be their last couple weeks at White Oak. I've got to get off of here because my battery is dying, but I will charge it and try to add more tomorrow---I'll do pictures too!