Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I think I will post this on my bathroom door.

Dear Kids,

Don’t be alarmed, the world isn’t coming to an end. I am simply taking a shower. It will take about 30 minutes and will involve soap and water. While I’m in the shower, I’d like you to remember a few things;

1. The large slab of wood between us is a door. Do not bang on the door to hear my voice. I promise that even though you can’t see me, I am on the other side. I’m not digging an escape tunnel and running for the border, no matter what I said earlier. I didn’t mean it. Honest.

2. Believe it or not, shouting "telephone!" through the closed bathroom door will not make the phone stop ringing. Answer it and take a message. Since the amazing mind-reading mom has the day off, you’ll have to write it down. Do not use your brother and the laundry marker. We can’t send him to school with telephone number-tatoos.

3. Water makes me wet, not deaf. I can still tell the difference between "nothing" and a child playing the piano with a basketball. I can also hear you tattling at the top of your lungs. I’m choosing not to answer you. Don’t call your dad at work and tell him I’m unconscious in the bathroom. He didn’t appreciate it last time. He won’t appreciate it this time, trust me.

4. No matter how much I would like it, water does not make me forgetful. I remember who you are and why you are grounded. No, you can’t go to Albert’s house to play. No you can’t go to Albert’s house to use the bathroom. If someone is in our other bathroom, you’ll just have to think dry thoughts and wait. Unless you have 4 feet and a tail, do not think of going outside to water the lawn. I know the dog does it. The neighbors don’t feel the need to call me when the dog does it.

5. Unless the house catches on fire, stay inside and keep the doors locked. Do not go outside and throw rocks at the bathroom window to get my attention.

6. Do not set the house on fire.

7. Call me if there is an emergency. Emergencies are:

Dad has fallen off the roof

Your brother/ sister is bleeding

There’s a red fire truck in front of our house

Emergencies are not:

Dad has fallen asleep on the couch

Someone on T.V. is bleeding

There’s a red pick-up truck in front of our house

One other thing: Being forced to use the last roll of toilet paper for a towel does not make me happy. It makes me sticky with little white polka dots. In the future when the tub overflows, use a mop to clean up the water instead of every towel in the house... For my sanity’s sake, lets pretend it was the tub, Okay? No, I don’t want to hear the real story....Ever.... Especially not while I’m standing in the pool of water you missed.

8. Be good. Entertain yourselves. Yes you can do both at the same time.

Try coloring, playing a game, or paying that big stack of bills on the coffee table. I’ll be out soon. Maybe.

Love, Mom

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I was so stinking tired today and thought I would try and take a nap while Justin was napping. Didn't really happen. The dog was barking, the kids were screaming and I had enough! I "woke up" grumpier from my "nap" then when I attempted one in the first place!!!! Ugh! And, I still need to go to the grocery store if we want to eat for this next coming week. At least Brad is now home from work----it's been a long weekend. He had to work yesterday and today. =(

Friday, September 18, 2009

A new school year---a new blogger?

Well here we are in our second year of homeschooling. There were days that I didn't think I would make it through our first. There were days that I wanted to throw aside the leading of the Lord and put the kids back in public school. I am so thankful that I have listened to Him and kept my children home and continued this journey. This past summer was full! We had a vacation to VA at the beginning, then family came back with me, then we have a month to ourselves before the vacays began again.

Haeley and Jasmine went to VA for 2 weeks with Mom and Dad and had a BLAST! Then I went and picked them up in Beckley, WV and dropped the boys off and they went to VA for 2 weeks. Brad had a business trip in TX and flew from there to Norfolk, to pick up the boys. The day all 4 of my boys got home Brad's brother and his family came for Labor Day weekend. We went to a drive in and did a lot of just hanging at the house. It was some much needed time I think. Justin and Zeke got along wonderfully!!! It truly amazed me what about 9 months of maturity has done for their relationship. Zeke, Dory, and Reese have all gotten huge and I am blessed to be their aunt. :)

The day they left we started school! We are using Switched on Schoolhouse for Haeley, Jasmine, and Gabe. Justin I am using a little of this and a little of that. Benjamin sits in on some of it, but I am not too concerned with him. The older three are doing pretty spetacular in most of their subjects. I'm really proud of them. Homeschooling Justin scares me a little. With the older three when we made the decision to homeschool they already knew how to read, write, and do basic math. With Justin it is my responsibility to teach him all of that and to be honest, it is a little overwhelming and scary! We are working on the letter "A" right now. I'll post pictures of our lap book when we finish it. My sis-in-law, Summer (Zeke's mom), has started homeschooling Zeke this year too. It's a little hard to believe that they are both in Kindergarten. It makes me sad to see how quickly they are growing.

Our church is going through some growth right now. Our pastor and his family have moved back to TN for a postion at a church there. I am very grateful for the time that they were apart of our lives. Carrie was my very first friend in IN and we went through so much together! We were pregnant at the same time and delivered with in 2 weeks of each other. Benjamin and Anna Grace had been together since they were born. I pray that the Lord works mightily in this new endeavor that they have embraced. Our church now is in the process of putting together a pastor search committee. I believe whole heartedly that the Lord has an amazing man ready to come and take over leading and shepherding this church.

I got a new camera in July that I adore. It is the Nikon D40. I love it!!!! I have wanted a DSLR for a long time and I am so thankful for my wonderful husband who bought it for me!! :) It is still my hearts desire to move back to VA in the future. I miss our family terribly and this past summer has really left my heart longing for closer distances between all of us! Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." I pray that the Lord's will is for us to move back to our family. I love our church family and I am so thankful for all of our friends and "family" here, but there is nothing like being with your FAMILY.

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I will truly try to do better!!! I hope all is well for y'all!