We are now the proud owners of 2 homes! Prayerfully in less than an hour, that will change to 1 home. :)
I came to work with Brad this morning (I’m in his office typing this now) and played around until our final walk through this morning. The walk through went great!! We even pulled up some of the carpet in the dining room and bedrooms and if the bit of hardwood we saw underneath is any indication of the rest of the floors we will be happy campers! What we can see looks great and there stands the chance that it will not need to be re-finished! We’ll know more on that tonight.
While at the walk through, we got a call from our realtor’s office in Indiana letting us know that we are closing on our house out there after all! The closing was scheduled for 3 but has been pushed back to 4. We are very thankful to have it close today! After the walk through our wonderful realtor, Bob Smith, took us to lunch at Smokey Bones. We had good food, conversation, and company. I really enjoyed it. Then it was on to the closing.
My goodness....the closing. :) It was definitely more than we bargained for, but in a very good way! Brad signed all the papers and I sat there admiring my strong husband as he signed page after page. ;-) Our attorney that was present for the closing gave Brad and I a lot to think about and has started us in the process of getting our will done. That was a very sobering time. I do not like to think about the “what ifs” of life. I know that we need to have all of that in order so that if anything ever happens our kids will be taken cared of. I still don’t like it.
We did have a lot of laughs in that closing though. I was not present when we bought our house in Indiana; I was tying up the loose ends out here. It was a wee bit of a different experience---but fun and very exciting too! I’m anxious to get in the house and get things moving!!!
I am so thankful for how the Lord has blessed us today! If I don’t get back up on here this weekend, have a FANTASTIC weekend!!!!