Last Saturday we had a bit of a leisurely morning until Brad said, "The surf is up! Let's take the kids!" And the whirlwind of preparations began. We got the kids ready only to discover that Jasmine's bathing suit was MIA. After everyone else was ready, Brad dropped Jasmine and I off at Kohls while he and the rest of the kiddos went and grabbed lunch. Jas and I were in Kohls and done within 15 minutes. I found her two tops and a pair of shorts and a new top for me!
Then it was onto Sandbridge beach where the real fun began. To say that the kids had a blast would be a bit of an understatement. They were thrilled. And they did wonderfully. Justin has no fear to begin with and this was in his element. Brad got him ready to go and out they went. Justin would ride a wave in and then jump back on the board and paddle out to Brad. He did this just about all day. We had 3 boards and for the most part there was someone on a board at all times. Justin got up on both feet, but never let go of the board. Jasmine got up on both feet and tried standing before she bit the dust. Haeley also got up on both feet but bit the dust before she could actually stand. Gabe tried a couple of times to stand, but he preferred to just get used to riding the waves in on his belly. Benjamin tried one time and the wave worked him over good. After that he was done with surfing---for now at least.
I even went out and tried my hand at it again. I need to work on my upper body strength before I will be successful at all. I took almost 400 pictures, but I will not subject you to all of them. Here is a sampling of my babies and their first time surfing.