Friday, March 30, 2007

Captured by Grace Devotionals Day 13

Stress Test


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28


Every system, human or mechanical, has limits and requirements for effective functioning. Each system operates within the limits of tolerance for demands, pressures, and tensions placed upon it. The electrical circuits in your house are capable of handling a limited amount of power. When more energy is demanded than is safe to handle, the circuit is broken or a fuse is blown. Pushing a system beyond its limits and neglecting proper maintenance invites deterioration and breakdown. Just like machines, humans have limits and breaking points and require maintenance.

Pushing yourself too hard will cause you to use up all your energy and have nothing left but fatigue, intolerance, and irritability—not what is desirable for your loved ones, yourself, or God. Jesus offers us the opportunity to turn in the hard labor of our own goals for the easy yoke of His divine purpose. Instead of being loaded down with stress and hardships, allow Him to take your burdens and shoulder the load. Come to Him and replace your stress with rest.


Teach me to do Thy will, O God. Help me to let go of the stress and busyness of my life and embrace You.

Recommended Reading: Psalm 143




***I am so sorry that I got this out so late in the day!!!!

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