Friday, July 27, 2007


I’ve decided that sibling rivalry has started in our house. Who am I kidding? It started a LONG time ago. Gabe and Justin fight constantly. That’s how they show each other love.
We had loaded the kids up in the truck Sunday after church and we were saying our goodbyes when Jasmine and Gabe emerged from the truck. Gabe had blood gushing down his face. I thought, “Oh no.” Brad took Gabe in church to get him cleaned up and I went to the truck to figure out what happened. I’m still unclear of exactly what went down, but I got enough out of them.
Justin threw a cup in the backseat and Gabe tried to give it back to him. Justin told Gabe to keep the cup, he didn’t want it. Gabe kept trying to push it at him and Justin kept resisting. Justin screamed at Gabe and told him “LEAVE ME ALOOOONNNNEEEE!!!!” And Gabe knew that was his chance to push once more, so he did. That is when Justin climbed into the backseat and started physically fighting with his brother. Then Justin punched Gabe in the nose. And there you have Gabe’s bloody nose.
The kids kept pointing out that as soon as Justin saw what he did he was apologizing. My theory….he knew he was in trouble so he had to apologize. But maybe, he did realize what he had done and honestly felt bad. Either way, it didn’t matter. He never should have punched his brother in the nose.
After this whole incident I went and bought Bringing up Boys by James Dobson. I’m hoping that it will shed some light onto my boys’ relationships with each other and how I should deal with them! I also started re-reading The New Dare to Discipline by Dobson and I’m looking for The Strong-Willed Child by Dobson too. I thought I had The Strong-Willed Child, but I can’t find it anywhere. I figure I’ll read the other 2 first…I can’t read 3 at one time anyhow!
All this to say PRAY FOR ME!!! =)

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