Today my friend Dani called me and invited me to go bike riding. I couldn't get anyone to watch the boys so they went with us. While we were waiting for Dani to come back and pick us up with her truck I snapped some pictures of the boys at the park. 
Benjamin was mesmerized by the water.

I told the boys to get together so I could take their picture. This is what my "angels" gave me.

Integrity and Justin. =) I had to laugh when he was standing next to the sign.
i love the pictures!!!!! that one of justin and the sign... lol! :) that's awesome! :) hahaha! :)
not sure that the other 17 comments i tried to leave on this post made it through... 18th time's a charm, right?!?!?! :)
anyways... i love the pictures! love them! all of them. justin and integrity though... that's a hoot!!!! the one of benjamin and the water fountain - print that. it's awesome!!! :)
love you!!!
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