I'm sitting on the deck right now and Benjamin is with me. He brought me a present too! He was so proud of himself. He came running out on to the porch with my makeup bag. He said, "It has all that you likes!! Open it!" He's so funny. He and I were laughing at Emma because she was chasing a bag out in the yard. The little things...Let's see, the things to make me smile today:
Serenity (in case you didn't know, that's my Espresso Machine)
Haeley is so proud of her sunflower seeds that she has planted. All together I think we have 40 some sunflower sprouts.
Listening to Benjamin sing his "ABCs"---he's actually gotten better at them too!
Getting to see Justin wanting to learn and watching him try and make better choices. He's really trying to control his temper and not lash out. I'm trying to teach him that even when other kids push his buttons he has to control himself.
I love listening to Gabe and Justin beg Jasmine to draw things for them. As far as they are concerned she is the best artist that there is. (And she's pretty good if I do say so myself!)
Having a husband that loves me beyond what I deserve. He really is such an amazing man. He works so hard to provide and take care of us. I don't know what I did right to get him.
Seeing Spring start to bud--I love it! My lilies are taking over and I can't wait to see them bloom. It's gonna be so pretty!
Okay, signing off---gotta get some stuff done.
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