Life is flying by and I find myself seeing all the days blurring together right now. Paint, pack, survive...that’s my life. I know I will look back someday and our time in Indiana will be nothing more than a memory. It is so bittersweet.
I’m excited about moving, but I’m so scared at the same time! We have to start over. We have to find a new home, church, friends, grocery stores...all of it. I feel so conflicted for my kids because they are going to have to leave their friends here---but they will get to make new friends, so that’s good right? I have a handful of friends that I have really kept in touch with since we moved, but truly it’s just a handful. I’m going to have to branch out and help my kids in making these new relationships because it’s not as easy as them making them in school. Their friends will eventually be a memory. I pray mine are not. I pray that I maintain my friendships here, because these ladies are great and I cannot imagine what my life would be without them!
Tonight I was sitting outside on my porch looking out at the moon and realizing that the same moon I was gazing upon, Brad could see in Virginia too. It was time for bed and I called all the kids outside, grabbed a blanket and we climbed onto the roof, laid back and gazed at the sky. We saw planes far up in the sky, a helicopter flew overhead, the stars were twinkling, and the moon was nothing short of gorgeous. The kids could not believe I was letting them up on the roof for this and it hit me---they will remember this. This is a memory that they will take with them for a long time. I want more of those memories with my kids and hopefully we’ll make some more tomorrow night and I’ll have pictures to accompany it---that is if I can find the charger for my camera battery.
I’m going to make it a mission to make memories with my kids. What will you do to make some memories??
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