Natalie Grant.
Oh. My. Word.
I know that I'm gushing here, but she so deserves it! I love Natalie Grant. Love her. Jenn introduced me to her years ago. She has such a beautiful voice. She's a very real person. I've been to concerts before where the performers where just that---performers. But that's not how it was at this concert. Natalie came out before each set and introduced the artists. She shared from her heart and shared some about her journey. We had to leave a little early because Haeley was tired and her ears were hurting. I went out with Haeley and then I got Jas and we all stayed in the back for the rest of the show. What I didn't realize was when we left it wasn't over. She did an encore and sang, "In Christ Alone". I was disappointed when I found out we missed it. Oh well, can't do anything about that now.
More later...gotta run.
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