Thursday, April 26, 2012

Choosing Curriculum Creates Craziness

ACK!!!  It's that time of year and I want to pull my hair out.  I really think pulling it out one strand at a time would create less of a headache than trying to figure out what to use next year for my kiddos.  I am confident *think* I might have some things figured out.  Maybe.  Possibly.  Or not.  

My mind is all jumbled up.  I keep trying to write coherently and all I can think of is: Apologia, Paths of Exploration, Notgrass, Real Science 4 Kids, Christian Light Publications, Saxon Math....and it continues. Then, once I "decide" on something I have to go to the all knowing guru, Cathy Duffy, and see what she has to say about my choice.  What am I doing to myself?!  Just when I think I've found what I want I see or hear of something else that might work too.  I need to remember, K.I.S.S....Keep it simple Stupid.  :)  

I want next year to be our best yet.  I want my kids to enjoy school.  I want to make a schedule and stick to it.  I want to find a co-op that I can reasonably pull off---financially, time commitments, and age ranges of my babies.  (Will I ever stop referring to them as my babies?  Probably not.)  

Right now I want a dinner fairy to come and cook for me and my family tonight, but since that is unlikely I guess I need to run.  :)  What curriculum issues are ailing you?

BTW, I can't add the promised picture until I delete stuff from my hard drive.  Apparently my hard drive is full.....

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