Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Jasmine and Haeley are in the same class and they love their teacher. Their favorite part about school is getting to sit on their desks and play with the bearded dragons. They are being challenged, but I think in a good way. Jasmine has had to learn that reading is important and it will be required of her more than it has been in the past. They have quite a bit of homework daily and it has caused me to re-learn some math concepts. It’s amazing the things that they are learning so early on!

Gabe loves his teacher Mr. Cole. I am so pleased that he has such a phenomenal teacher! Gabe’s favorite thing about school is recess and lunch. =) Gotta love that! He does very well in math and loves science. He reminds me of his daddy! He’ll do well this year, we just have to get his behavior in check!

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