Friday, March 30, 2007

Captured by Grace Devotionals Day 18

World Record Heavy Lifter


Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.

Psalm 55:22a


Juraj Barbaric’s idea of taking the train differs from the average commuter.  He earned his title of “strongman” by pulling twenty freight cars filled with scrap metal more than fourteen feet.  Needless to say, this muscular man collapsed in a heap after hauling the 984.2 tons—the heaviest train ever pulled!


Burdens come in all different sizes: wondering how to pay bills when there’s no money left, caring for a loved one who is sick or disabled, putting in long hours on the job to meet the boss’s demands.  With so many things weighing on our minds, some days we may feel like we’re trying to pull a train that isn’t about to move.  Giving in to discouragement is easier than earning a title.  But we have One who knows all about our struggles, and He is stronger than anyone!  Jesus has offered to bear our heavy load.  When He stretches out His strong hand to take our burdens, we don’t need to worry that His arm will tire or His strength will fail.  Our omnipotent God can carry our problems.  He will sustain us so we won’t collapse.  Go to Him in prayer today and give your anxieties and cares over to Him.  He won’t let you down!



Are we weak and heavy laden,

Cumbered with a load of care?

Precious Savior, still our Refuge;

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Joseph M. Scriven

Recommended Reading: Isaiah 40:9-31 

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